In the 3D animated film "Planes," set to be released in August, Tripp bears American's newly revamped logo and is drawn from the carrier's latest addition to the fleet, the Boeing 777-300ER.
To kick off the collaboration, passengers traveling through Los Angeles International Airport Thursday morning were surprised with gate festivities and giveaways including guest appearances by the film's director Klay Hall and actor Carlos Alazraqui, who is the voice of one of the movie's characters, El Chu.
Passengers were also shown a new custom-directed ad for American Airlines which featured the cast of Disney characters in a spot that promotes the carrier's new fleet and brand makeover.
In the UK British Airways jumped on the chance to promote the animated film and is the headline sponsor for special screenings of the film in Leicester Square in London on July 14. Other screenings across the UK and Ireland will also be held in the lead-up to the public release.
The full-length film will be shown on long-haul flights later this year while American Airlines will debut the movie one month before other airlines around the world.
The film hits theaters in the US August 9 and the UK August 16.
To kick off the collaboration, passengers traveling through Los Angeles International Airport Thursday morning were surprised with gate festivities and giveaways including guest appearances by the film's director Klay Hall and actor Carlos Alazraqui, who is the voice of one of the movie's characters, El Chu.
Passengers were also shown a new custom-directed ad for American Airlines which featured the cast of Disney characters in a spot that promotes the carrier's new fleet and brand makeover.
In the UK British Airways jumped on the chance to promote the animated film and is the headline sponsor for special screenings of the film in Leicester Square in London on July 14. Other screenings across the UK and Ireland will also be held in the lead-up to the public release.
The full-length film will be shown on long-haul flights later this year while American Airlines will debut the movie one month before other airlines around the world.
The film hits theaters in the US August 9 and the UK August 16.
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