AirAsia sets Downstraight Zero Compassion Policy!
Yesterday AirAsia X – AK1455 from Ho Chi Minh to Kuala Lumpur abandoned two of the passengers citing an infant has chicken pox condition which under AirAsiaX’s policy it is prohibited for the mother and the baby to boarding the airplane.
A regular doctor traveling as passenger announced to AirAsia’s ground staff of the baby’s condition that is safe for traveling had fallen on deaf ears. AirAsia’s ground staff continued acting as medical personnel and had the mother and her child quarantined; grounded in Ho Chi Minh city for another 5 days. Below is the statement from its CEO – Aireen Omar.

A very unfortunate encounter with AirAsiaX for this family. Twelve (12) members of this family traveled by AirAsiaX to Ho Chi Minh city but only ten (10) members were allowed to board AK1455 returning home to Kuala Lumpur. The mother and her child were abandoned by AirAsia’s ground staff cited the aviation policy prohibited from carrying a passenger with infectious condition.
Is this necessary?
And what Tony Fernandez say about this?

If really following the book; AirAsia’s plane should have been overhauled every 30 days instead of every 45 days which AirAsia is presently practicing. Heyy..Tony Bastard; stop being so inhumane to your fellow own Malaysians.

The National Carrier – Malaysia Airlines have extended assistance to the mother and her infant above on a compassionate ground. Now Everyone Knows AirAsia is Brutal!
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